PtMS for Windows Product Update Notes


NOTE:  Current PtMS SQL Database update is dated 01/15/16.  This update must be applied once if the current PtMS Screens update dated 01/15/16 or later is installed.   This SQL Database update installation can be found on the PtMS Menu/Applications/Database/SQL Update option..




1.  Mobile Dispatch screen – new ETA function is now available on mobile dispatch screen.  This will allow user to click on ETA button on current trips not completed or future trips up to 90 minutes from current time.  PtMS will calculate estimated time of arrival at request trip using current performance data and MDT AVL location data.




1.  Mobile Dispatch screen – note icon now opens an integrated client text notes and trip notes display for easy editing of all client notes.


2.  Client Record Status on the main Client Info Screen has been moved to its own lookup table.  After installing the update, users need to go to setup and add the codes for client record status (e.g. D=Deceased, I=Inactive, A=Active, etc.) This new table allows users to assign whether a record status value should allow users to enter Service Request or prevent them from entering new service requests.


3. Trip Transaction Edit screen field “Open Invoice” field values are now configurable in the Setup/Miscellaneous Codes table as “Invoice Status”.  Users can setup the allowable codes such as “O” for Open, “C” for closed, etc.




1.  Client Records Info screen – the “Attachments” button now manages attachments for the client.  Attachments are any document, or file you want to “attach” to this client record.  Attached files or documents are copied (not moved or linked) to the clients notes folder in a subfolder called “Attachments”.  Once stored their users can access, edit or update the documents or files by using the “Attachments” button to display a grid listing all the attachments for this client along with descriptions.




1.  MapQuest geocoding options have been replaced by Google which is a faster and more complete geocoding system.




1.  Client  Records/Vehicle Manifest Edit display when showing trip detail will look first at the client record for matching street address information and use this information first, if no match is found the destination table will be searched for a match.  This will eliminate display problems when multiple clients live at the same address with different address2 information in their client records and the address is also listed in the destination table.




1.  PtMS Mobile Dispatch screen and standard Dispatch screen updates – when a trip that is verified as complete, cancelled or no show is activated (A) on this screen, the status of the field is set to blank (unverified) and all performance data is removed, i.e., actual pickup and drop times are cleared, odometer on and off are set to zero, and assigned driver is removed.


2.  Client Screen/Scheduled Trips screen – activating a Routine trip that is deleted will now set the trip back to being active.




1.  PtMS Mobile Dispatch screen update – improvements to mapping and messaging features.




1.  Client Records – when selecting a client record that has Client Notes on file, a message will appear in read at the top of the client info screen notifying the user that client notes are on file.


2.  Service Request – MapPoint version (PtMS_SrvReq_MP.accdb) – the MapPoint version of the Service Request screen will also alert users to Client Notes on file – a Client Notes button will display read in the button right corner of the screen if client notes are on file for the selected client.




1.  Standalone System Processing update – system processing log file is not accessible/editable from this screen.  A new holiday calendar function has been added that allows users to setup calendar dates for system processing to be skipped.  Generally these would be holidays where no transportation services are provided.




1.  Client Records/Options/Assign Drivers to Vehicles – this procedures has been rewritten using SQL procedures to greatly improve the speed of the operation.




1.  New standalone version of System Processing written entirely in .Net Visual Basic.  This version utilizes SQL stored procedures and is extremely fast.  This version has the option to automatically start and run system processing for the previous calendar date (yesterday).  This can be setup as a scheduled task on the users server or a workstations and will automatically run system processing each day without user intervention.  Contact ABS tech support ( to have ABS assist you with installation and setup of this module.




1.  Expanded Destination and Pickup Location fields in all tables from 50 to 100 characters.




1.  Billing/Record Changes – new option available when changing a client name in the schedule and/or trip transactions table – the client’s name in the client record can also be changed.


2.  Billing/Trip Verification – odometer on and odometer off fields when populated will now not automatically update the mileage field – this matches the dispatch screen approach as well.  Mileage from pickup to drop point to point is stored in the mileage field and is usually tied to billing rate for the trip.  If users want the total trip miles for the record to be updated to match the difference between the odometer on and odometer off field values, this calculation option must be turned on using the check box on the screen before entering data.




1.  Client Records – this update corrects display problems on some workstations when looking up a client name using the lookup browse screen. 




1.  Billing/System Processing – timer option now includes the ability to system process up to 7 consecutive days.


2.  Client Records/Client Notes – now uses a built in text editor and moves the client notes to a separate client folder for each client.  The folder is named with the client id for easy reference.  This folder will be used by other document management functions in PtMS to store client documents, letters, etc. 




1.  Billing/System Processing now includes a timer function.  Users can setup system processing by selecting the date to process then selecting the date and time in the timer section of the screen (lower right) for system processing to begin.  This will allow a user to setup system processing to run when a PtMS network users are off the system (for example, at 2 am) speeding up completion of the operation.




1.  PtMS Users that have purchased Vehicle Maintenance can now access this module on the PtMS Menu if they have installed a PtMS Menu update and download and installed the PtMS Vehicle Maintenance Module.  These users will have also needed to install this screen update 02/18/13 or later.




1.  Client Records Vehicle Manifest Edit browse screen now loads and displays much faster.




1.  Client Records/Scheduled Trips and Client Records/Trip History screen now show all four revenue codes – agency, funding, purpose and tripcode on the browse.




1.  Client Records/Options/Scheduled Trip Assignment – this new scheduling feature allows users to perform several automated trip assignment functions for a selected trip date.  You can assign scheduled vehicles or times or both to default times or vehicles or both.  You can assign default times, vehicles or both to scheduled times, vehicles or both.  You can also select any combination of take or return and demand and routine trips and assign them to a default vehicle (such as 999 for automated scheduling).  Finally, you can assign all trips in the date for a client to the first trip scheduled for that client so all the clients trips will be on the same vehicle.  This feature allows the user to perform automated scheduling for the first trip of the day for each user (for example, scheduling all the take trips in the morning) and then having the system automatically assign all the rest of the trips for the client to this vehicle.




1.  Schedule record notes and driver instructions field expanded to 250 characters.




1.  Billing/Agency Billing and Statistical Report/Export Detail report option now includes the agency, funding, purpose,tripcodes, provider codes, and vehicle codes as output fields.




1.  Client records/Schedule Trips screen now has a button next to each pickup and destination field value that allows the user to load the clients address1 information directly into either the pickup or destination field by clicking on the button.




1.  Client records destination screen revision and setup destination screen revision to correct update function when modifying addresses for existing destinations.





1.  Dispatch screen now has a data error check for odometer on and odometer off entries that exceed 100 miles.


2. Billing/On Time Performance report corrects error preventing users from running a report for an entire fiscal year.  Users can now run a report spanning 12 months or more.




1.  Billing/On Time Performance Report has been revised to provide summary statistics of on-time performance.  An excel output option will list all trip records and their on-time performance results.  This excel report is written to the ABS\PtMSAccess2007 folder.




1.  Billing/System Processing now saves the last used options to a table and restores these the next time the user runs system processing.  Since there are several check box options available user will now only need to set these options once and they will redisplay each time they run system processing.


2.  Client Records/Options/User Options now supports a new user option titled “PtMSMenuDir” this option is set to the folder where the PtMS Menu is called from – for example “C:\Program Files\ABS\PtMSMenu\”.  If this parameter is not present PtMS assumes the default folder “C:\Program Files\ABS\PtMSMenu\”.




1.  Setup now includes an “MDT (Mobile Data Terminal) Inventory” screen for recording the Mobile ID used by the PtMS Mobile application system for updating mobile units (MDTs, smart phones, Garmin Devices, etc) in the vehicles with schedule information.


2.  Mobile ID number assigned to vehicles can now be updated from the Client Records/Options/Vehicle Setup and Assign Vehicles to Drivers screens.


3.  Dispatch screen has added field “Odometer Miles” to screen display.  If odometer miles are entered these calculated miles are stored separately in the




1.  Client Records/Vehicle Manifest Edit screen has a new option to set the default vehicle and times to the scheduled vehicle and times with a single click.  Click on the default pickup or drop times on any schedule record in the browse and a window will pop up with the option to set the default times to the schedule times and vehicle.




1.  System Processing now supports a Routine trip “Auto Suspend” feature.  This allows users to setup Agency+Funding+Purpose+Tripcode combinations that will be used to select Routine trips for being automatically suspended after the scheduled trip service is delivered and the trips are posted with System Processing.  This feature will support users who want to have Routine trips but require clients to call and confirm they are traveling each week.  This allows users to unsuspend the trip with a single click in PtMS and re-insert it into the schedule.


2.  Dispatch screen now has a ride type selection that displays all trips plus cancels and now shows in one display.  This should assist dispatchers with viewing the schedule to identify “holes” in the schedule where reroutes and will calls can be placed.




1.  New fields added to support new Route Optimizer feature that will soon be available for PtMS Users.  Watch ABS web site for new release on this new feature coming soon.




1.  Destinations now have several new fields – default pickup time and destination time – 1 set for take trips and one set for return trips. 




1.  Client and Scheduling/Vehicle Manifest Edit/Daily Stats now includes trip counts by city and from /to cities for the schedule date selected.




1.  Billing menu/System Processing now has a new option to post 1 day Routine Trip suspensions as cancellations.  Check this box and the 1 day suspended routine trips will post a cancellation record for the suspended date.  Otherwise, no cancellation record will be posted for these 1 day suspended routine trips.




1.  Client and Scheduling/Vehicle Manifest Edit summary screen now displays the trip purpose on the browse schedule display and has a sort option for trip purpose.  This is extremely useful if a user wants to see all trips of one type (medical, dialysis, shopping) grouped together. 





1.  Multiple Cancels/Suspensions for Routine Trips now supported.  The Client module now supports the ability to cancel or suspend a scheduled routine trip for more than 1 future date.  PtMS now supports up to 5 cancelation dates per trip record.  Users will note that the Schedule Trips window is now access from a button on the Client Info screen.  This new Scheduled Trips window allows easy one click functionality for cancelation, suspension, or resetting trip status to active.  Users can view the extended cancelation dates by pressing the V (view) button next to each trip.  Note also that canceling a trip will automatically cancel the escort/pca trip associated with the trip.





1.  Dispatch module now has a new temporary status value – “R” – ready for pickup.  This trip status can be assigned to a trip where the client has called in and indicates they are ready for a return trip pickup.  Assign this code to those trips which have called in but have NOT yet been dispatched to a vehicle for pickup.  The dispatch screen contains a filter option for listing just trips assigned the status of “READY”.  Trips assigned a status of “R” have the name field highlighted in yellow.  NOTE: trips where the status is left as “R” and the posted to the trip transaction table with system processing will automatically have the trip status set to BLANK.





1.   Client module/Agency Billing Tab has new description fields associated with each Revenue Code selection.  You can add these descriptions in the Valid Service Authorizations table under Setup.


2.  The Billing/Trip Verification screen and the Dispatch screen both have a new Driver sort option.


3.  The Trip Verification Screen now has a search by client name option.





1.   Client module has new fields – cell phone, email, phone carrier, alternate emergency contact. 





1.   Billing module has a new menu option “On-time Performance Report”.  This report allows users who record actual pickup and drop-off times to run on-time performance reports with user defined criteria for “late” trips.





1.  Billing module now has new menu option “Trip Invoicing” where users can produce invoices/bills for clients and agencies.  Invoices can be based on either the “Invoice Amount” field or “Fare” field in the trip transaction records.  Three separate formats are available – client, agency and agency-summary.  Users have multiple selection options – agency, funding, purpose, tripcode, trip types, client names, and destinations.   Note that invoice amounts must be processed and updated using the “Agency Billing and Statistical Report” module before running “Trip Invoicing”.




Access 2007 Runtime download link (connecting you to the Microsoft Download page for Access 2007 runtime) has been added to the PtMS Products Download page.  We recommend that users install a current version of Access 2007 Runtime on their workstations if they are experiencing any problems on PtMS screens.  To install the latest Access 2007 Runtime on your workstation fist go to the Control Panel and use the Remove Programs option to uninstall your current version of Access 2007 runtime.  Then download and install a current version using the download link on the product updates page.




IMPORTANT NOTICE:  PtMS now uses a Connection String to connect to the PtMS database.  DSN connections are still supported but users are encouraged to install the connection string using the instructions listed below.  The connection string will allow PtMS to support multiple databases in the future (for archiving your annual data), as well as customized database passwords.


Connection String Editing Instructions:


Step 1:  Launch Windows Explore (right click start and select explore) and browse to the folder c:\program files\abs\ptmsaccess2007

Step 2:  Rename the file “abs_ptms_con.xml” to “ptms_con.xml” – if ptms_con.xml already exists then this has already been completed – stop here.

Step 3:  Rename the file “abs_ptms_con.xsd” to “ptms_con.xsd”.

Step 4:  Right click on “ptms_con.xml” and select OPEN With – then select NOTEPAD and open the file with NOTEPAD for editing.

Step 5:  Change the name of the SQL Server to match your own SQL server.  This line will read “<SqlServerName>ABSSERVER\ABS</SqlServerName>”.

              You need to substitute your own SQL server name for “ABSSERVER\ABS”.  Your own SQL Server name can be found in your DSN connection.

              Go to Control Panel/Administrative Tools/Data Sources.  Click on the System DSN tab, highlight “ptms” and select configure.  It will list your SQL server name.




1. Service Request – a “Home” or “House” icon is now next to the destination search icon on each of the take and return destination and pickup location lines.  If the user clicks on this icon it will load the clients home address into the pickup or destination for either the take or the return trip line the user is on.  This allows the user to designate any of the four address lines on the screen as the clients home address.  This will simplify multi-leg trips entry.





1. Client Records/Scheduled Trips tab – the column titles “Date” and “Day” are now sort fields.  Click on Date or Day to change the sort from Date + Day order (the default sort) to Day + Date order.  The latter sort allows you to group all the trips for one day together.


2. Client Records/Scheduled Trips tab – Add Escort or PCA option is now available on this screen.  Click in the Escort/PCA column (column title is “E”) for any trip you want to add an escort for and a popup will display with options to “Add an Escort Trip”, “Add a PCA Trip”, or exit.  Click on the option and it will add an escort or PCA trip.  If the original trip was a Routine trip but you want to add a demand escort, you will have to open the escort trip record and edit the Date field changing it from Routine to the demand date you want to schedule for.








This update will add a special view used to produce Late Trip reports in the PtMS Report Explorer\Management Reports\Vehicle reports folder.




1.  Client Records/Options/User Options – new option for creating a PDF output report file of the Vehicle Manifest Report each time the report is run.  The report file is stored in a user designated folder.  You will need to create the folder for storing the Vehicle Manifest Report files on your local or network drive (for example c:\program files\abs\ptmsaccess2007\pdf).  The Report file name is Name_MMDDYY_HHMMSS.PDF.  For example, if the Vehicle Manifest Basic report were selected the report name would be VehicleManifestBasic_022011_112054.PDF.


You must install the EXE file SaveAsPDFandXPS.exe store in the folder c:\program files\abs\ptmsaccess2007\exes folder on each workstation after installing this update.  Browse to the folder and double click on the EXE file to install it.


Finally, you have to add a new User Option to the User Options list.  Go to Client Records\Options\User Options and scroll to the last line on the page which should be blank.  On this line enter the new User Option “PDFDirVehManifest” in the User Parameter column.  In the Parameter Value column enter the folder name you have create for saving copies of your vehicle manifest report – for example, “C:\program files\abs\ptmsaccess2007\pdf\”.







1.  To run the script right click on Start and left click on Explore.  Browse to the folder C:\program files\abs\ptmsaccess2007\sqlscripts and click on the file “CreatePickupDropAddressView.Sql”.  This will load the script file in SQL Server Management Studio Express.  Once loaded select the PtMS database in the top left dropdown box the click on the “Execute” button to run the script.  Once the message “Command completed” appears at the bottom close SQL Management Studio Express.  This script only needs to be run once.


2.  Client Records/Options/Vehicle Manifest Edit – this schedule edit screen now displays the complete pickup and drop off location and address. 


3.  PtMS_CustomReports.accdb – Vehicle Manifest Report on the Client Records/Options/Custom Reports (standard version only) now includes the agency code and a Client Signature option on the Vehicle Manifest Report.




1.  Service Request screen now has an alert message informing the user that the clients is already scheduled for a trip on the same day of service the user is entering.  For example, if the user is entering a demand trip for a Weds and a Routine or Demand trip is scheduled for the same Weds a pop up appears alerting the user.  This does not prevent the user from continuing with the Service Request.  It is designed to prevent the user from overbooking trips for a client.




1.  Client Records/Options/Vehicle Manifest Edit – new “Daily Stats” button on the bottom screen tool bar.  This button displays a popup report summarizing the trip statistics for the selected schedule date.  Total trips, no shows, cancels, deleted and suspended trips are detailed subtotaled by Demand and Routine trips.  This form is printable and displays the time and date it was generated allowing users to monitor and document changes in their trips profile for any schedule date.




1.  Dispatch – client notes icon on each trip line opens the client notes display for the trip and client record.  If the icon is colored green there are trip notes present.  The “Comment” line under the trip notes is from the Client Record “Agency Billing” tab and displays the 100 character “MISC” notes field.  The button for “Client Notes” on the notes window opens the client record text note file in Notepad where users can store an unlimited number of notes.


2.  Billing/Trip Verification – this screen now includes a “Verification Reports” button on the bottom right tool bar.  The verification reports provide a display of trip verification records for the selected day using a number of grouping option – vehicle, destination, etc.





1. Dispatch – verification buttons display has been revised.  “Con” (trip confirmed as completed) verifies that a trip is completed and places a ‘Y’ in the status field.  Cancel – C, No Show – N buttons update the status field for cancel and no show trips and update the stop/start dates.  Suspend – S only updates the stop/start dates for the selected schedule date.  The new “U” (unverify) button removes an trip status and stop/start dates.


2. Dispatch – filter by client can be initiated by double clicking on either the clients first name or last name.




1. Client Records/Vehicle Service Summary - new rapid vehicle filter icons next to each vehicle field value.  Click on this filter for any trip record and the dispatch display is immediately filtered for that vehicle.




1. Dispatch – new rapid vehicle filter icons next to each vehicle field value.  Click on this filter for any trip record and the dispatch display is immediately filtered for that vehicle.


2. Client Records/Trip History – users that browse and edit records will find the browse does not resort after each record edit but instead leaves the users browse in the same location allowing quick edit of multiple records in a specific date range.




1.  Client Records/Client Billing tab now displays a summary of the clients trip history – trip , no show and cancelled trip counts and percentages are display separately for the last 30, 90, 6 months, and 1 year.  Separate totals are display for take and return trips.





1.  Client Records/Vehicle Manifest Edit and Dispatch screens – clicking on the destination or pickup address in the grid display pops up a detail box display the address detail for the pickup or destination address.  A mapping button for displaying the address location or the entire trip (both pickup and drop off) is on the detail box.  This option will map the address or trip using MapQuest providing the dispatcher with a clear graphic street display.





1.  Billing/Vehicle Service Summary – new screen features double click on the vehicle code field on a record and a new window opens allowing the user to edit trip transactions for this date for the selected vehicle.  This feature is designed to help users correct odometer readings errors or actual pickup/drop-off time errors in vehicle service summary records.  Once the trip transaction records are corrected users can recalculated the Vehicle Service Summary record values for the selected trip date.


2. Billing/Vehicle Service Summary – new screen feature double click on the vehicle code field on a record and a new window opens allowing the user to create estimated odometer readings for a vehicle service date using starting and ending odometer readings and the latitude and longitude map coordinates for each pickup and drop-off on the vehicle’s schedule.  Odometer readings allow the Vehicle Service Summary calculation function to calculate service vs. deadhead miles.





1.  Destination table entry edit screens (Client Records, Service Request, Setup) now include an option for updating the Address1 line with the destination field information, and an option to update the destination field with the address1 line information.





1.  Dispatch screen has new option – trip status column displays Y–N-C-S click on N (no show), C (cancel) or S (suspend) and trip status is set to selection.  This also activates the “Client” trip filter and displays only trips for the client on the dispatch frame making it easier to cancel all additional trip legs for the client.  If you click on the “Y” status it will activate the filter without updating the status of the trip if the trip status has not been updated – it the trip status is N-C or –S click on the Y will reset the trip to no status and also activate the client filter on display trips for this client..




1.  Client Records/Options/Vehicle Manifest Edit – Top of the blue scheduling frame is a new “Vehicle Setup” button where schedulers can adjust vehicle setup especially assigning drivers to vehicles.





1.  Billing/Agency Billing and Statistical Reports – this is a new module converted from the PtMS 7.2 system to PtMS for Windows.  It has new features as well.  Currently users can process and update their transactions Invoice Amount field with the Agency Rate Mapping table rate amount.  Once this field is updated PtMS Report Explorer reports that display this field (for example, Export Tables to Excel/Trip Transactions) can be used.  Client Detail and Agency Detail reports are now included.





1. Client Records/Options/Custom Reports/Vehicle Service Summary Report – new summary report option added.  Creates 1 line of summary stats per vehicle.





1. Client Records/Options/Capacity Monitoring – this is a new PtMS feature that allows the user to setup system wide or agency/revenue code specific capacity profiles.  Generally these capacities are setup every half hour or hour.  Users can evaluate capacity levels for any trip (during Service Request) or from the Options page for any time and update 7 days from date of evaluation. 


After installing this update users need to run the sql script “c:\program files\abs\ptmsaccess2007\sqlscripts\createcapacitytables.sql”.  This script only needs to be run once.  Users can click on the script in the folder to launch SQL Server Management Studio Express, once the script is loaded press the Execute button at the top to run the script.  Contact ABS technical support at if you require assistance.


2. Client Records/Group Trip Scheduling – a new feature in this module allows schedules to be setup where the client is picked up at one location (such as a day program) and transported to a destination, then on the return trip the client is transported to the home address in their client record.  In the group trip client list a check box for “return to client home address” can be check to have the manifest list the clients home address as the return trip destination.


After installing this update users need to run the sql script “c:\program files\abs\ptmsaccess2007\sqlscripts\AddReturnHomeToGroupTripClients.sql”.  This script only needs to be run once.  Users can click on the script in the folder to launch SQL Server Management Studio Express, once the script is loaded press the Execute button at the top to run the script.  Contact ABS technical support at if you require assistance.





1. Client Record/CMN (Client Medical Need form) – when creating a CMN the client record Agency1-Agency5 fields are now transferred to the CMN form.


2. Group Trip Scheduling – client’s level of service (AMB, WC, STR, etc)  now displays on the Group Trip Scheduling Vehicle Manifest report.


3. No Charge PCAs and Escorts values for fares and rates can be set during system processing.  The user must set the four parameters in the Client Records/Options/User Options table for these values to be set to zero.  RatesPCA, FaresPCA, RatesEscort, and FaresEscort are four new parameters in the UserOptions table.  If they are set to Yes then the Fares and Rates values respectively are left as positive values,  If set to No the values for Fares and/or Rates is to $0.0 for fares and/or rates respectively.


4. If Clients/Options/User Options/”GeoConfirm” user option is set to “No”, users will no longer be prompted to re-geocode clients if addresses are edited.


5. NPI # is now a required field on the CMN form


6. Agency, Provider and Vehicle selections are now available on the 5310 report.




1. Dispatch Screen – added the click on pickup location or click on destination option to popup a address detail window. 




1. Client Records – vehicle assignments on the Service Request, Vehicle Manifest Summary and Vehicle Manifest Edit screens now checks for pickup and drop off time being out of shift and warns the user if this occurs.  To initiate this feature users must set the parameter “Use Vehicle Shift Times” to Y on the Setup/System Parameters screen.




1. System Processing – trip transactions marked as ‘D’ (delete) are now removed from the trip transactions table.


2. Auto correction of spelling errors has been turned off in all text fields in the client record.





1. Destination Edit screens in Client Records, Setup, and Service Request screens has been revised.  Users now have to select “Edit Destination” button to edit a selected destination record.  Once edits are completed (including geocoding) user must select the “Save Destination” button to save changes to the record.




1. Billing/System Processing – any stop and start dates older than date being processed and older than today’s date will be removed from the schedule records.  Also any Cancellation/No Show note in the note field will also be removed.  Users should make sure that any notes added in the note field that is already updated with a Cancellation/No Show Note should be place in front of or before the Cancellation note text.


2. Billing/Trip Verification – Actual Vehicle and Driver field data can be replicated for all trips for a vehicle on the Trip Verification screen.  For example, enter a driver field value for one record for a vehicle, then double click the field value and you will be prompted to update all records for the vehicle for the date being verified with the driver code.  Select Yes and all the records will be updated.  This feature also works with the Actual Vehicle field.


3. Client Records/Scheduled Trips – users can now click on the pickup location or destination and a popup will display with the detailed address, city , and zipcode.





1. Client Records/Emergency Info-Certifications tab – the field “Certify By” now has a drop down menu for selection options stored in “Misc Codes” table in setup.




1. Client Records/Options/User Options – new user option “FaresPCA” with values of “Yes  if PCAs should be charged boarding fares, set to “No” if PCAs should not be charged fares.


2. Trip Transaction Edit screen in Client and Billing module revised so that if user selects “Status” = “C” for cancel, user will be prompted to enter a “Reason for Cancellation”.


3. Service Request/Destination screen was not updating editing destinations with the user and time/date.  This has been corrected.




1. Client Records/Options/Custom Reports/5310 Report – additional report totals added to report.  In addition, the report automatically counts Escort or PCA-attendant trips in the Other purpose category.




1. Dispatch screen – mapping buttons moved to left side of screen to match user interface on Vehicle Manifest Summary screen,


2. Client Records/Client Info screen – Address2 line was returning an error if number of characters entered exceeded 50 characters.  This has been corrected.




1. Client Records/Options Tab/Custom Reports – 3 new reports added - Dispatchers reports, Vehicle Service Summary Report, and 5310 Vehicle Reporting report.




1. Client Records/Options Tab/Custom Reports/Vehicle Manifest – Vehicle Manifest Report now has option to print Driver Name and Drive Code along with Vehicle Code at the top of the report.  Users will need to use the “Assign Vehicles to Drivers” feature on the Options tab.




1. Billing menu recode utility added for recoding agency, funding, purpose, tripcode, vehicle, client name, destination, pickup location in schedule and trip transactions table.




1. Client Record Trip history esc/pca column relabeled and now shows P for PCA trips as well as E for escort trips.

2. Vehicle Manifest Summary Unassigned trips map button works.

3. The Unassigned vehicle table has been moved to the user options.  Once set there they won’t change with module updates.

4. Vehicle manifest summary now shows the client’s city.

5. Vehicle manifest summary scheduled times will turn purple if the times are reversed.

6. Service request now has an “Add & Close” button to speed up entry of demand dates on the date pick screen.

7. Service request view history now has a “Facilities” button to show the destinations that the client has used in the past. This is a very nice feature as it will list the destinations for a client so you can click and pickup just the destination without loading the a service request history record.

8. Service requests’ view history now has a delete button to delete the prior service request.

9. Client Record/Options – Expiring Service Authorizations Browse now has button to display all clients or clients with authorization in last 90 days or due to expire in the next 30 days.





1.  The Vehicle Manifest Summary “On-Demand” automated scheduling option now allows users to select their own vehicle and have the Interactive Scheduler  schedule the trip on the user selected vehicle returning the times and scheduler’s evaluation of the trip’s “fit” into the schedule (excellent, good, average, poor).




1. New Interactive Scheduling feature is now available on the Vehicle Manifest Summary screen.  This feature requires users to install the 02/25/10 update for the PtMSIS Interactive Scheduler.  On the far right hand column on the Vehicle Manifest Summary screen is a new button that allows the user to request that the Interactive Scheduler assign the trip to the best available vehicle.  The results return within seconds providing the user with a Trial Scheduling trip box where the user can display the scheduling results by inserting the trip on the selected vehicle on a trial basis then accept the results or remove the trip from the trial assignment.  This feature should make it easy for order takers to perform same day scheduling and scheduling trips as they take Service Requests.


USERS MUST UPDATE THEIR PTMS SQL DATABASE/SCHEDULE TABLE WITH THE NEW TRIALTRIP FIELD.  Once this update is installed, browse to the folder c:\program files\abs\ptmsaccess2007\sqlscripts and click on the file ‘ADDTRIALTRIPTOSCHEDULE.SQL.  The workstation must have SQL Server Studio Express installed on it to run this script.  Once the script loads in SQL Server Studio Express click on Execute to run the script and update your PtMS SQL Database.  This only has to be performed one time from any workstation that has SQL Server Studio Express installed.


2. PCA trips are now highlighted in yellow on the client record “Scheduled Trips” tab along with escorts are marked in the Escort/PCA column with a “P”.




1. Address changes in client record will trigger a popup reminding user to re-geocode the client record if the address has changed.





1. Vehicle Service Summary tracking and reporting module located on the Billing menu has been revised into a grid display to make data editing easier.  This also presents each day’s Vehicle Service Summary data in a report like format.  Users can create the VSS records from the trip transactions records by selecting a trip date then selecting the button to “Create VSS Recs” at the bottom of the screen.  Once created, users can edit any of the fields like Start/Stop Times and Start/End Odometer readings. Once the records are created, click on the “Calculate All VSS Recs  to calculate the performance statistics for each vehicle.  Double click on a vehicle to display the trip transactions for the selected vehicle.(or actual vehicle depending on which option is selected to create the VSS records).  This trip transaction window can be used to correct any trip records that may be creating errors in a VSS records statistics. Once corrected the VSS records can be recalculated. New Vehicle Service Summary reports are available in the new Report Explorer download in the Management Reports/Vehicles report folder.




1. Home button on Vehicle Manifest Summary screen – this home icon in the top right corner of the Vehicle Manifest Summary screen will bring the Client screen to the top of the display so the user can access any of the client record tabs.


2. Single click on the client last name field on the Vehicle Manifest Summary screen will automatically load the selected client’s record and bring the client record screen to the top of the display.


3. Single click on the destination on a take trip or the pickup address on a return trip on the Vehicle Manifest Summary screen will display a dialogue box with the destination city, state, zip and address details.




1. Map Trips button on far right of trip display on the Dispatch screen and the Vehicle Manifest summary screen now displays the trip record, draws the route and zooms the map to display the route.


2. New Client/Options/User Options parameter called “PurgeAllTrips” – add this User Option and set value to “Yes” and system processing will delete all schedule records marked with status = “D” for deleted trip whenever system processing is run.


3. New Billing Module option “Purge Scheduled Trips” – this button will immediately purge and remove from the schedule table all trips where status = ‘D” – marked for deletion.




1. Group Trips Scheduling module new feature – revenue codes for each client trip can be selected from the client record, or be assigned by the user when the client is being added to the group trip.




1. PtMSIS Interactive Scheduler Version 5.0 released with new batch scheduling features.  Refer to the news article on the ABS website for more details: ABS Announces Release of PtMSIS Interactive Scheduler Version 5.0 with New Batch Scheduling Feature”




1. Clients Scheduling/Options/Custom Reports/Vehicle Manifest Report – there are now 2 vehicle manifest print options – Print Basic Manifest and Print Detailed Manifest.  The Basic Manifest Report lists the same information as the Detailed Manifest Report however it only prints one frame per trip.  The Detailed Manifest prints pickup and drop-offs as separate print frames.




1. Clients Scheduling/Options/Custom Reports/Vehicle Manifest Report and the Vehicle Manifest Edit/Dispatchers report the labeling on the Escorts and PCAs is revised to make it clear in the name field that these are escorts and attendants.


2. Billing/Trip Verification screen – the scheduled vehicle field is now editable.




1. Dispatch screen now includes client name search.


2. Button legend added to Client module.


3. Client phone number added to Schedule Record detail screen print record option.





1. Service Request Write-ins now automatically refresh and display the client record Trip History tab information when the user writes the Service Request.


2. Street button on the client module allows users to launch Streets in case they have closed the mapping software.


3. Streets now starts when ever Geocoding or Streets mileage functions are called.

4. In the Client module you can now search names with an Agency filter.

5. On the Trip Verification screen there is now a button to fill empty Actual Times with schedule times.

6. In the Service Request  you can now route the take Pu/Dest, return Pu/Dest, Take Trip, and Return Trip with both mapquest and streets.




1. New Unassigned Trips window on the Client Records/Options/Vehicle Manifest Summary screen – detail trip display/edit buttons and sort options added to this window.


This new window displays all trips that are assigned to holding vehicles (vehicles that have the out of service field setting of "R" remove from scheduling).  Effectively these are your unassigned trips.  Edits made in this window are automatically reflected in the Vehicle Manifest Summary window and vice versa.  If a trip is moved to a holding vehicle it will automatically display in this new window.




1. Update “User Options” table.


To install this update users must first download and run the PtMS Access Screens update program (PtMSAccess2007Update.exe).  Next the must click on the program:


C:\Program Files\ABS\PtMSAccess2007\PtMS_UpdateUserOptions.accdb


This will run an update program that will quickly exit after updating the “User Options” table to support the Mapquest mileage calculation option described below.  Once this is run and your table is updated you do not need to run this program again.


2. Mileage Calculation Model option.  New parameter


User Parameter                    Parameter Value


MileageCalc                          Streets, GIS, or Mapquest           


If user enters "Mapquest" for parameter then the user must click the “Calc Miles” button to calculate the mileage based on street driving miles returned from Mapquest. 


If user enters "Streets" for parameter then the user must click the “Calc Miles” button to calculate the mileage based on street driving miles using the “Streets on a Disk” mapping software. 


If the "GIS" option is entered user does not have to click “Calc Miles” button instead mileage is calculated automatically once a pickup and destination are selected.  The mileage is based on the average of the GIS Latitude and Longitude right angles mileage and the "as the crow flies" diagonal miles. The GIS average mileage calculation is extremely accurate and very close to drive miles. Averaged over hundreds of trips the differences generally are less than 5%.







1. Default Take and Return Vehicle Parameter


These 2 new parameters are located in the Client Records/Options/User Options.

Go to a new line at the bottom of the parameter list and add these two parameters, in the User Parameter column add the the two new parameters below.  In the Parameter Value column enter the value for the default vehicles.


User Parameter                    Parameter Value


DefaultVehTake                               999

DefaultVehReturn                           999


The values can be any valid vehicle value.


2. Screen size changes by the user are recorded automatically and reloaded next time user loads the program.


3. Default Destination assigned in Setup/Revenue Codes/Agency screen will load when user selects the clients revenue code on the Service Request Screen.


4. Mileage Calculation Model option.  New parameter


User Parameter                    Parameter Value


MileageCalc                          Streets or GIS           


If user enters "Streets" for parameter then the user must click the “Calc Miles” button to calculate the mileage based on street driving miles.  If the "GIS" option is entered user does not have to click “Calc Miles” button instead mileage is calculated automatically once a pickup and destination are selected.  The mileage is based on the average of the GIS Latitude and Longitude right angles mileage and the "as the crow flies" diagonal miles. This mileage calculation is extremely accurate and very close to drive miles. Averaged over hundreds of trips the differences are less than 5%.



5. New Unassigned Trips window on the Client Records/Options/Vehicle Manifest Summary screen


This new window displays all trips that are assigned to holding vehicles (vehicles that have the out of service field setting of "R" remove from scheduling).  Effectively these are your unassigned trips.  Edits made in this window are automatically reflected in the Vehicle Manifest Summary window and vice versa.  If a trip is moved to a holding vehicle it will automatically display in this new window.




1. Global Trip Suspensions


This new feature is on the Client Records/Options screen.  It allows suspensions of client trips for multiple days across multiple clients.


2. Custom Reports - Vehicle Manifest


This new feature is on the Client Records/Options screen.  This is the first of several custom vehicle manifest report formats that will be on this screen.  This format of the vehicle manifest report prints the pickup and drop-offs on separate lines.  A second version will soon be released with the pickup and drop-off information on one line.  Client Records/Options/User Options table must have the user option "CustomRep" added with the parameter value "PtMS_CustomReports.accdb".


3. Date of Birth Required Parameter can now turn off Date of Birth as a required field.


If users do NOT want to require Date of Birth to be entered when adding a new client you can add the parameter "DOBReq" to the Client Records/Options/User Options table.  Set this parameter to "No".


4. Default Pickup and Drop-off Time Adjustments


When entering Service Requests users can have PtMS automatically calculate the Pickup Time for Take trips and the Drop-off time for Return trips by using a constant adjustment minutes value.  Add the parameter "TakePuAdj" to the

Client Records/Options/User Options table. Enter the parameter value in minutes (eg. 30) and PtMS will take the destination time for take trips subtract the "TakePuAdj" value and calculate the pickup time automatically.  For return trips add the parameter "RetDropAdj" and enter the number of minutes to adjust in the parameter value column (eg 30). For return trips PtMS will take the pickup time you enter add the adjustment minutes in "RetDropAdj" and calculate the drop time automatically.


5. Client Record Address Lookup


PtMS now supports doing a client record lookup by address.  On a clear client records screen enter an address on the "Client Info" screen and press the ENTER key.  PtMS will list all the clients at this address in the client records selection browse screen.


6. Temporary Pickup Addresses and Destination Addresses added on Service Request


When entering a service request a new destination can always be added by selecting the "New Destination" button however if you need to add a "temporary" new pickup location or destination for a client service request you can

display a dialogue screen for this by double clicking in the pickup or destination field on the request screen. This will display a window where you can add an address, city, state, zip code and geocode the address.  The address will be entered as "Address, City, State, Zip code" in the address line and stored with this as the destination in the destination table.  The destination will be coded with "P" in the "Person or Company" field.  A setup report will list all such destinations in the table so they may be reviewed at a later date to decide if you want to permanently retain the destination.


7. Group Trips Scheduling


This new module allows users to setup repetitive group trips, for example, shopping trips, charters, etc. Please refer to the ABS support page and select "Group Trip Scheduling and Reporting" in the "PtMS for Windows" section.